We are very proud to announce that East Kent Mencap has become a United Nations Global Compact Participant! This is the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative, with thousands of business participants and other stakeholders from civil society, labour and government located in 160 countries.
The purpose of this initiative is to strengthen corporate sustainability worldwide by voluntarily aligning our operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
As part of our membership, we have pledged to participate in and engage with the UN Global Compact in the following ways by implementing the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles through our strategy and operations:
- By providing safe and healthy working conditions
- By ensuring non-discrimination in personnel practices and supporting the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
- By working to protect the economic livelihood of local communities
- By supporting the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour and the effective abolition of child labour
- By undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
- By working against corruption in all its forms
You can find our detailed action plan, here.
We are very excited to involve staff across the organisation and hear their thoughts on what EKM can do to improve our practices around human rights and the environment and we are extremely proud to be involved with an initiative promoting such important values and practices.
You can find more information about the United Nations Global Compact here. If you are a business that is interested in signing up and would like more information about how we got involved, please email our HR Assistant Lea Johnson: lea.johnson@eastkentmencap.co.uk